Service Metrics
Aggregate Metrics
for the last 30 days
This graph shows the percentage of all queries to the service that were a match for a known blacklisted password. This is an aggregate daily value. A 10% match rate means 1 in 10 queries results in a match.
Honeypot Metrics
for the last 30 days
This graph shows the percentage of passwords submitted to our honeypot servers that are a match for a known blacklisted password. As you can see, Password RBL identifies nearly all passwords being used in these active password attacks. Sometimes you will see dips in honeypot performance, and these are binary data and/or exploit attempts that are not submitting actual passwords.
Demo Page Metrics
This graph shows the percentage of passwords submitted to our Online Demo that are a match for a known blacklisted password. The Demo is available here. You can submit passwords and see the results change here, in realitime.